Supernova Charter Student Ambassador

Supernova Community Guidelines

Fake Engagement Policy

Our top priority is the safety of our creators, viewers, and partners. We rely on each of you to assist us in safeguarding this unique and vibrant community. It's critical that you understand our Community Standards and how they contribute to our shared responsibility of keeping Supernova safe. Please read the following policy carefully. You can also find a complete list of our rules on this page.

Supernova does not allow anything that artificially inflates the number of views, likes, comments, or any other metric, whether through automated systems or serving posts to unwitting viewers. Content that exists solely to incentivize viewer engagement (views, likes, comments, etc.) is also prohibited.

Content that does not adhere to this policy may be removed from Supernova.

Important: If you hire someone to promote your account, their choices may have an impact on it. Any action taken by you or someone you've hired that violates our policies could result in content removal or an account takedown.

When a human user's primary intent is to interact with content without coercion or deception, we consider engagement to be legitimate.

Report any content that you believe violates this policy. Here are the instructions for reporting violations of our Community Standards. You can report the account if you've discovered content that you feel is in violation.

What does this policy imply for you?

If your content fits any of the descriptions below, don't post it on Supernova.

All Supernova products and features are subject to this policy.

Remember that this isn't an exhaustive list.

How is engagement assessed?

Here are some examples of prohibited content on Supernova:

Remember that these are just examples, and don't post anything if you think it might be against the rules.

What happens if content is found to be in violation of the policy?

If your content is found to be in violation of this policy, we will remove it and notify you via email. If this is your first violation of our Community Guidelines, you will receive a warning and your account will not be penalised. If it isn't, we'll give your account a warning. Your account will be terminated if you receive three strikes.

More information about our strikes system can be found here.